With excitement, Lee County Community Orchestra announces our 2021-22 season "Back Onstage!" After more than a year away, we are pleased to welcome new Music Director Vincent Povázsay and celebrate the return of live performance.

The season kicks off Saturday, October 16 at 7:30 pm at the Mann Center of North Carolina with a program of classical favorites entitled Overtures. Overtures by Mozart and Beethoven bookend a performance which includes selections from Dvorak’s Slavonic Dances, Johann Strauss’ Emperor Waltz, and Augusta Holmès La Nuit et l’Amour.
A second Sunday matinee performance of Overtures will be held October 17 at 3:00 pm.
The "Back Onstage!" season continues with six more scheduled concerts, two each in December, March and May. Visit the Concerts page for the complete 2021-22 schedule and details about each performance.