LCCO's first concerts of the season are less than two weeks away - one on Saturday, October 16 at 7:30 pm and a second on Sunday, October 17 at 3:00 pm - and will feature music by Beethoven, Dvořák, Mozart and Strauss.

The title of this performance is "Overture," a term that refers to a piece of music at the beginning of an opera, play or other extended composition. As Music Director Vincent Povázsay told The Sanford Herald, the word has a deeper meaning for LCCO.
"Some of the selections being performed are themselves overtures, but this concert is kind of an overture to the season. It’s the first time we’re back on stage together as a full orchestra because of the pandemic since 2019. We’re really excited to be together in person with a full complement of strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion in front of a live audience.”
While the upcoming "Overture" performances at The Mann Center (507 N. Steele St. in Sanford) include works by familiar composers, they also will introduce audiences to a piece by the French female composer Augusta Holmès, a pupil of the composer, pianist and music teacher Cesar Franck.
“It’s not often performed. I didn’t really know her music until I discovered this piece," said Povázsay. "It’s a lovely piece of 19th-century romanticism.”
LCCO concerts are free and open to the public. COVID-19 protocols will be in place and masks are required for the audience. Additionally, LCCO will perform the show without intermission as has become standard with orchestras to reduce audience mingling and the potential spread of the virus.